Head Of Department Message

Dear Students

Access to different geographical points and cultures has become easier thanks to the communication and transportation opportunities that have developed with globalization. Common requirements for cultural interaction around the world and technology have given birth to new professions with global validity. Software engineering is a profession that offers opportunities to work on a global scale and is more sought after abroad. According to various studies, among the future professions in technology, most software engineering job postings are announced on an international scale. According to the

“US News 100 best jobs 2021” research, the top two jobs in technology are software engineering.

According to the "Glassdoor" research, 7 of the top 10 most demanded job descriptions in America are within the scope of software engineering.

According to the "Linkedin" research, software engineering is the first most demanded profession even during the pandemic period. According to this research, 4 of the 10 most requested occupational groups during the pandemic period are related to technology and 3 of them are within the scope of software engineering.

Due to the increasing demand for software engineering, a software engineering department was opened in our university in 2021. ERU software engineering department is planning to start education by accepting students in 2022. ERU software engineering department aims to train its students as individuals who are prepared to work in international environments and global competitive conditions. The basic engineering knowledge, methods, and experience of using software tools required for this are given to our students practically. Thus, we want to graduate students who have full qualifications in software engineering.

The teaching language is 100% English, we attach great importance to the fact that our graduates can use both Turkish and English fluently and comfortably. Engineers usually focus on the technical part of the job. But real-life social activity rewards entrepreneurship, self-confidence, and communication skills more. For this reason, we support the education curriculum with courses to develop career planning, social events, public speaking skills, academic writing skills, entrepreneurship, leadership, and communication skills.

Dear students, Erciyes University is one of the top 10 research universities in Turkey, and it is a productive university that stands out in many fields according to various evaluation criteria that rank universities around the world. We hope you prefer the competitive and researcher Erciyes University and the software engineering department, both today and the future, and we wish you success.

Prof. Dr. Celal ÖZTÜRK