Frequently Asked Questions


1) What information should I include when introducing myself in an email?

When writing an email, students should start by stating their full name, student number, class year, or if they are in the graduation phase.

2) What does it mean to be in the graduation phase for internships?

You are considered to be in the graduation phase if you have successfully completed all your courses and only have the internship remaining for graduation.

3) I am a non-graduating student (not in the graduation phase); when should I submit my internship notebook/report?

Internship notebooks/reports should be submitted to the department chair's secretary during the first announced collection period after the internship. Dates will be announced by the department. For summer internships, the collection period will be within the first month following the fall semester registration week.

4) How many days in advance should I apply for the internship?

Internship applications must be submitted via Obisis and the required documents must be delivered at least 10 days before the requested internship start date.

5) I have applied for an internship via Obisis. What should I do next and when?

After the Obisis application, carefully review the internship principles on the department website and submit the required documents specified in the principles at least 10 days before the requested start date. If there is any deficiency/error in your application, you will be contacted via email. Regularly check your email.

6) There are signature deficiencies in my internship notebook and/or registry form. Will this be a problem in the evaluation?

If there are signature deficiencies in the internship notebook/registry form, the internship report will not be evaluated, as stated in the faculty internship principles.

7) Half or all of my internship was rejected. How can I appeal?

Internship evaluation results are announced by the department chair. Students whose internships were rejected can appeal to the department chair within one week from the announcement date.

8) When are the appeals to internship results announced?

Appeals to internship results are reviewed by the internship committee and decided within 15 days at the latest. Changes in status are finalized by the relevant faculty board decision.

9) I am in the graduation phase; when can I do my internship?

Students in the graduation phase (who have passed all courses and only have the internship remaining) can do their internship at any time. They must indicate that they are in the graduation phase during the application.

10) I have no courses in the current semester and did not register for courses, but I want to apply for an internship. Obisis shows “You cannot apply for an internship because you do not have student rights.” What should I do?

Contact the student affairs office and request course registration to be opened for a day to apply for the internship.

11) I have completed the maximum period of study. I want to do an internship, but Obisis shows “You cannot apply for an internship because you do not have student rights.” What should I do?

Students who have completed the maximum study period should follow the announcements by the student affairs office during the tuition fee payment periods. After completing the necessary procedures with student affairs, they can apply for an internship via Obisis and submit a petition explaining their situation as described in Question 3.

12) I live outside the city. Do I have to submit the internship application documents in person?

You can scan your documents with wet signatures and send them as .pdf to (Excluding documents for Equivalence Studies and Compulsory Internship.)

13) My internship overlaps with the first week of the term/exam week. Can I do my internship?

According to the internship principles, you cannot do internships on dates that will interfere with your classes or exams.

14) I am only taking the Graduation Project/Design Project courses. Can I do an internship during the term?

If you have courses with compulsory attendance from 08:00 to 17:00, you cannot do an internship during the term. Additionally, students taking only the Graduation Project/Design Project courses and not exempt from attendance cannot do internships during the term.

15) Can I do an internship during the makeup exams?

Yes, you can do an internship during the makeup exam period.

16) Can I do an internship during summer school?

No. If you are attending summer school, you cannot do an internship during any period that includes summer school.

17) Can I do an internship during midterm/final weeks?

No, you cannot. Midterms are usually planned for the 8th week of the academic term, and final dates are listed in the academic calendar. If your internship overlaps with these dates, it will be canceled. Adjusting the dates is the student’s responsibility.

18) When do midterms start, and by when should I complete my internship?

Midterms are usually planned for the 8th week of the academic term. Adjusting the dates is the student’s responsibility.

19) How can I get the compulsory internship form signed?

Fill in the relevant parts of the compulsory internship form and submit it with a wet signature to the department secretary.

20) I am in the graduation phase; when should I submit my internship notebook?

Students in the graduation phase can submit their internship notebook and the sealed registry form to the Software Engineering Department Chair without waiting for the collection period. They must also include a transcript obtained from Obisis showing they have passed all courses. Notebooks without transcripts will not be evaluated.

21) I submitted my internship notebook in the graduation phase; when will it be evaluated?

While the internship notebooks of students in the graduation phase are usually collected during the collection periods, they can be submitted outside these periods to avoid waiting. The evaluation period varies depending on the department's workload but is done as soon as possible. Once evaluated, it will be entered into the system.

22) Can I do an internship on weekends?

If the workplace operates six days a week, you can do your internship on Saturdays. Internships cannot be done on Sundays.

23) Half of my 20-day internship was accepted. How many days should I apply for the remaining part?

Apply for 10 working days and send an email explaining the situation to

24) I want to do both my internships at the same workplace. What should I do?

Scan a petition with your justification (wet signed) and send it along with the necessary documents for the internship to

25) How many days are the internship periods?

Both internships are 20 working days each, totaling 40 working days.

26) I transferred horizontally/vertically. I want to count the internship I did at my previous school. What should I do?

Students who transferred horizontally/vertically and those re-enrolled through ÖSYM exams can request equivalence for internships accepted in the previous program. (Software Engineering Department Internship Application Principles 8.a.)

27) I work in a company that engages in software engineering activities. Can I count my work period as an internship?

Students who have worked continuously for at least 6 months in a software engineering-related job can apply for recognition of prior learning as part of the internship application by documenting their work period and title. (Software Engineering Department Internship Application Principles 8.b.)

28) I have both transferred and worked for at least 6 months in a software engineering-related job. Can I be exempt from both internships?

Equivalence can be granted for up to 20 working days (one internship).

29) Can I do an internship for less than 10 days?


30) Which engineers must be present at the workplace where I do my internship?

There must be one of the following engineers: Computer, Software, Electrical, Electronics, or Electronics and Communication engineers.

31) I did an internship through Erasmus. How should I submit my internship?

Submit your internship notebook and the signed internship registry form in a sealed envelope on the internship submission dates.

32) The Erasmus office or the equivalence committee accepted my internship. When will it appear on Obisis?

Internship evaluation and equivalence procedures are handled by the internship committee. Follow the process steps in the Software Engineering Department Internship Application Principles.

33) I am doing a long-term internship through the Student Internship Program. Can I count this as my internship?

The Student Internship Program does not replace compulsory internships. Internships must be conducted according to the internship principles.

34) Can I participate in both the Student Internship Program and do a compulsory internship face-to-face at the same time?

If the Student Internship Program is at most one day a week, you can apply for an internship for the remaining 5 consecutive days (excluding Sunday).

35) My internship application was approved in Obisis. When will the SGK Entry Declaration appear?

After your application is approved, your registry form will appear in the Obisis system. Your SGK Entry Declaration will appear in the Obisis system close to the internship start date once the insurance procedures are completed.

36) Do I need to include the Pandemic Period Face-to-Face Commitment Form during the application? How can I access this form?

Unless otherwise stated, the Pandemic Period Face-to-Face Internship Commitment Form must be included. The form can be accessed from the internship section on the department website.

37) Can I apply for the second internship while doing the first one?

Yes, you can apply for the second internship if the conditions are met, even if the first internship is not yet completed.

38) Can I do the second internship without submitting the first internship notebook?

Yes, you can.

39) How can I find out if my internship has been accepted?

The results of the internship notebooks collected during the collection period are announced on the department website. For graduating students, if the number of accepted days is not empty in Obisis, it means the internship has been evaluated (if it shows 0, it means the internship has been evaluated and rejected).

40) How can I access the registry form?

You can obtain it from Obisis and give it to your workplace.

41) How should I schedule my internship dates?

It is the student's responsibility to ensure that the internship dates do not conflict with summer school, exams, or classes as specified in the principles. Internships in such cases will not be approved/canceled.

42) Can I do a remote internship?

Remote internships are not accepted in our department.

43) Half of my internship was accepted. Do I need commission approval to do the remaining half at the same workplace?

No. You can complete the remaining half of your internship at the same workplace without commission approval.

44) Where can I access the compulsory internship form?

The compulsory internship form can be accessed from the ERÜ Student Affairs Department website ( When sending this document for signature, it should not be sent blank; workplace information and the number of internship days should be filled in.

45) Who should I contact for SGK procedures?

SGK procedures are handled by the student affairs office.

46) I live outside the city; how should I submit my internship notebook?

Internship notebooks should be submitted to the department secretary with a wet signature during the designated periods. Students who cannot deliver it in person can send their notebooks by mail, accepting all responsibility for any issues that may arise.